

My Family-1!

As I sit here thinking of so many memories of my children it brings home that I haven’t seen them in a while. Actually the last time I saw most of them was last year New Years Eve! You wouldn’t believe that My husband and I live in Carson City Nevada and they live in San Jose CA, Gilroy CA, and Union City CA. Let’s not forget Maryland!

I have 4 Daughters and 1 Son and 11 Grandchildren they are my world! Unfortunately life gets in the way! I should really rephrase that because by no means should unfortunately and life be in the same sentence. I am 58 years old! I am happy, healthy and have a wealth of blessings. I have friends that I have known for years real friends. You know the ones that you can count on one hand! So really life is good. I just miss my beautiful wonderful kids and Grand kids!

Sometimes circumstances get in the way and time moves entirely to fast. This is what I am feeling today. Time is moving to me at the speed of light.
Don’t get me wrong I know that I am blessed and complaining doesn’t help but in this case it does. My husband got a promotion which is awesome.
He is the new kid on the block which means no time off. All the timing just did not fit in to us getting to CA. We all have made arrangements to see each other New Year’s Eve of 2013! So here I am today missing them like crazy and anticipating for the year’s end to arrive.

I know that I am so lucky and blessed because I am married to my best friend and I love all of my children with all of my heart. Some people don’t know what that is. So today I am missing them and remembering all the good times we had together and anticipating new and fun memories.

There is nothing like family!

Quote for today….Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family. Having both – is a blessing. ~Donna Hedges

I know we all can testify to this! One minute you are just trying to hold on and the next you are saying…..How did I get here? How did I do it? God will make a way. Keep the faith and hold on.

Back Towards Light
Never let go of Hope.
One day you will see that it all has finally come together.
What you have always wished for has finally come to be.
Maybe not the way you had wanted.
But even better than you could have ever imagined …
You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself ‘How did I get through all of that?”
And you will find yourself wiser and so much Stronger.
Have Faith, Hold on … and Never let go …
Be Light … Be Love …
Everything will be okay … ♥

Words we say and use them every day. We can have the most beautiful and sweet words come out of our mouth. Awesome and breathtaking songs are sung with words. On the other hand words can be nasty, ugly and hateful. Words can destroy you are they can uplift you.

What I am getting at is use them to uplift to teach to make a person’s day better. The woman or gentleman that you might pass by in the store or street and they have a very nice outfit on, give them a compliment! You cannot begin to understand how those simple words…you look very nice or nice outfit means to people. I have done this more times than I can count and I will tell you this they become radiant! Hell I love compliments as well and when someone takes the time out to extend that to me It makes me feel good.

I choose to use my words for goodness. I have had my share of people calling me out of my name. I have had my share of people saying that I would never amount to anything. I have my share of feeling like I was not good enough to have a good relationship and not deserving of one. It took me many years to realize that I was not the issue. The people who used these ugly degrading words had the issues!

So today wherever you are extend a kind word to someone. You never know what people are going through. Words are powerful! You can make a person feel like they can soar or you can crush them to the ground! Me myself I will continue to use them to make someone’s day extra special. Many Blessings to you!

Quote for today……. Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Life is what you make!

We all have something wonderful to appreciate every day! A lot of us take it for granted you see. We run around being so busy that some of us fail to slow down and enjoy what the good lord blesses us with. It is called “LIFE.” It is precious, it can be short or long, it can be happy or sad. It is what you make of it! Our time on earth is not guaranteed to any of us. If there is a loved one that you have not spoken to in a long time…call them. If you have put off that dream vacation for the right time…do it now.

Time waits for no one and that is a fact. We cannot keep putting off until tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. Find what makes you happy and live, laugh and enjoy every single moment. Don’t have regrets because in life we all are going to make mistakes and that just makes us smarter and stronger.

Take a minute out of your busy day look around and enjoy the beauty that is “LIFE.” It is in the innocence of your child! It is the sun coming out in the morning, the birds chirping, the flowers blooming, the first snow. It is the fact that you are healthy and can see these amazing things and hear them with your ears. Some are not as fortunate! Cherish and be thankful for every single second that you have here on earth.

Every single day before your feet touch the floor in the morning give thanks for something beautiful…..I know I do! I came up with words that Identify life for me they are; love, children, blessed, educational, memorable, adventurous, journey, faith, humorous, challenging, breathtaking and wonderful. It would be interesting to see what others come up with. You can choose as many words as you like. May you all have a wonderful, joyous and blessed life!

Quote for today……. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein

This is a re-blog from Aatma Namaste ॐ Spiritual Bliss ॐ! I found it very spiritual and enlightening and hope you will too!

Walk your path one step at a time .

Life’s circumstances are not always what you may wish them to be. The pattern of life does not necessarily go as you plan. Beyond any understanding, you may at times be led in different directions that you never imagined, dreamed, or designed.

Yet if you had never put any effort into choosing a path, or try to carry out your dream, then perhaps you would no direction at all.

Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now.

Shake off the ”why’s” and ”what if’s”, and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever was – is in the past. Whatever is – is what’s important. The past is a brief reflection. The future is yet to be realized. Today is here.

Walk your path one step at a time – with courage, faith and determination. Keep your head up, and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could ever hope to follow.

Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond your wildest imaginings.

Today’s Quote……No one else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten.
Natasha Bedingfield

I can tell you that my past was definitely broke. My Mother bless her soul did the best she could with what she had. She had to make a decision early in life that haunted her for the rest of her life. You see my Mom had to leave my Sister in Alabama and take me. She was then living with my Sisters crazy Dad. He told my Mom point-blank that if she took his Daughter he would blow her brains out. So my Mom took me. We boarded the bus for New York City and I was four years old. She met my Stepfather when I was six and it was dysfunctional ever since.

He was an abusive man so they fought most of the time. I have a burn on my right hand to this day that I can remember when he put the cigarette out on my hand. My Mom had three children by him and all of us were nervous wrecks growing up. My Sister’s and Brother saw things we shouldn’t have and heard things that we cared not to know. I am giving you the short version because the long one isn’t pretty. So I grew up and was in some abusive relationships but I wasn’t the one to just take a hit. You see my Mom would always protect herself and fight back so that’s what I did. I was also an enabler and had to realize that it wasn’t a healthy relationship either. My two Sister’s also were in abusive relationships. My Brother is still a lost soul. This is what happens when you just stay and it isn’t good for anyone.

I have four children and decided that I did not want them to see this ugly side of life. I removed myself and kids from the equation. Just because you were raised with racism, alcoholism or abuse you can change it. You cannot let the past control your destiny. Someday I will write a blog on some stories from my past but I’m not ready yet. I just hope that this will help and inspire someone who is struggling with issues now. You have to be the one to break the cycle. You have to be the one to change the next generations future and yours. You have to be the one to fix it!

Quote for today:Though no-one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end. ~ Author Unknown ~

I have always admired anyone that had an extraordinary talent. It is such a beautiful and wondrous thing to see when a little  girl or boy start singing and such power comes out of their mouth. They do it so naturally but depending on how and what they are singing it can bring tears to your eyes because they can touch you to your soul. Singing is just one example and I used that one because I wouldn’t mind having that gift myself. I have pondered for my 57 years on what gift I have.

They say we all have one and that we shouldn’t waste it. It gets kind of hard when it doesn’t just jump out at you. If you know what I mean. I love to dance but that boat has sailed. Don’t get me wrong because any opportunity that I can get to dance I do. I just won’t be on any of those dance shows that they have on TV. I can only draw sticks so that will not work either. I have dabbled with Coreldraw and paint now that is a work out in itself but I am getting better and better. Here are a couple of art creations that I put together. I have proudly framed one of them and the other I had it enlarged and it is hanging in our living room! I am pretty proud. It may not be much to others but that I did it myself really made me feel good.

Abstract is what I love!

My art!

The thing is I haven’t given up and I am continuously trying to improve myself. I believe that if you have been graced with something great use it and share it with the world. What talents do you have and are you using what the good lord blessed you with? Give me some feedback.  I would like to see what talented people we have out there. Everyone have a wonderful and blessed day!

Quote for today:“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me. Erma Bombeck quotes (U.S. humorist, 19271996)

I have followed Mastin Kipp on the Daily love and I love the inspirational quotes and messages that he sends out daily! I wholeheartedly believe that you have to take the good with bad. Meaning that in your life we all are going to experience some challenges but that is what makes us stronger. Yes I know some of us have had more challenges than we care to count but the darkness does not last forever. If you think back when you are having an issue in your life it seems like it will never get better but then the problem is resolved. You are actually working with the Universe. You have conquered your problem and it leaves the door open for better harmony in your life. Check out Mastin Kipp of the Daily Love his blogs are awesome!

When you start living your life from the inside out, when you take your power back from people, places and things, when you start trusting The Uni-verse – there is one very important thing to keep in mind: chaos happens.

But here’s the thing about chaos – when you’re on The Path, what seems like chaos is many times Grace in Action. You see, we expect this great big vast and intelligent Uni-verse to act according to human reason. But the problem with that is that what we humans actually know about The Uni-verse is so limited, compared to what there is to know, that many times we see chaos, which is just part of a greater and wiser order that we do not understand.

Also, because we don’t know what’s going to happen next in our lives, it is Spiritually incorrect to assume the worst when you perceive chaos happening in your life. The Uni-verse speaks in chaos, change and Grace many times appears to be chaos, and right before revelation is usually some form of ego death.

What does that mean?

It means that for us to understand and come into harmony with greater Truths about ourselves and The Uni-verse, our old perceptions AND fears have to be shed (aka die) for new insight to come. Knowing this cycle can be SO helpful when you are going about the business of manifesting your dreams, creating a loving relationship or simply just signing up for the adventure that should be your life.

When you lean into your faith (both in yourself and in The Uni-verse), you invite chaos (aka a higher order of living) into your life. It is part of our calling on The Path to develop emotional fitness and proper insight to see that when things “seem” to be going “wrong” or “changing”, not to freak out and apply some doomsday meaning to these events of our lives. Instead, we step back, observe and know that in any seeming change, crisis or chaos is both potential risk AND potential opportunity.

It is those of us who have trained our mind to see and trust the bigger picture (knowing that The Uni-verse is FOR us and never against us) that benefit most from change, chaos and crisis. It is Spiritually backwards to ask for an easy life that works out perfectly AND desire faith in yourself and The Uni-verse. Faith counts the MOST when the ish is hitting the fan.

So today, in your life, whether it be financially, romantically, emotionally, spiritually or any only aspect of your life, if there is chaos or change, just decide that The Uni-verse is working on your behalf and choose to assign a constructive and positive meaning to what’s happening in your life. Ask The Uni-verse to reveal the Grace of this moment to you. See the opportunity instead of the fear; decide that you have the power to not only make the best of this situation, but to actually make a better life for yourself BECAUSE of this situation.

For your dreams to come true it’s vital that you learn to be flexible enough to adapt to and make the best of change. In fact, don’t just make the best of change and the unexpected, get EXCITED by it!


Quote for today: Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts. Henri Frederic Amiel

I am the luckiest woman in the world. Well at least in my own little world! I am married to my best friend and I figure it can’t get any better than that. I have known my husband Harry for at least 41 years! I will not say it was love at first sight but it didn’t take long. We have been together and broke up at least four times mainly because we were young and immature. We both say now that if we had got married when we were younger it wouldn’t have worked out. Both of us had a lot of growing up and learning to do. I guess you can say we were destined to be together. Harry and I had earlier relationships but we would always keep in touch. We would each talk about our relationships to one another.

I remember this one time when Harry told me that he had enlisted in the Marines mind you at this particular time we were dating. Well he then went on to say that because he was enlisting he thought it only fair that we should break up. My then future husband (even though he didn’t know he was) said it was better for me because he didn’t want me to feel I was obligated to wait for him. I will say I was a little hurt but I got over it, considering that I really didn’t have a choice. My thought  was and I quote “fine when and if we get back together he will have to make the first move”. The cat and mouse game continued! I can honestly say that I didn’t know I was in the cat and mouse game. I was dating when he came home and the relationship I was in was pretty much a goner. It was pretty interesting because when he came over the other guy knew automatically that my future husband again (even though he didn’t know he was) still had feelings for me. He actually told me that and I told him he was crazy. Mind you this is one of the reasons that I needed to get away from the relationship because he was very insecure! Well I guess this time he had his man radar up and it was really working. Eventually we broke up and this was way before my future husband…. you know the rest right?

We finally got married in 1989. It was the best thing that I have done in my life. It is such a wonderful feeling to give 100% in a marriage or relationship and get 100% back. I know that no matter what happens he will always be there for me through thick and thin. We have definitely had situations in our 22 years of marriage that have been tested. We both know that laughing together, communication, trust, respect, honesty, and always and I mean always having each others best interest at heart will keep us going for another 22 years and more! This is of course the short version maybe someday soon I will get around to giving you all the long version. All of our friends keep telling us that we should really write our love story. Maybe someday we will.

Quote for the day:
” I hope that what motivates you in all your endeavors would be for God’s greater glory. Money, power, and our dreams indeed are instrumental driving forces for us to strive to be the best we can be. Take time to relax as the psalms say, God has showered us with blessing that we rightfully deserve. What’s the use of having so much if you’re so stressed that you have can’t use the money you earn to cure yourself when you’re sick? Stay happy and positive and relax your spirit. Blessed be.  by” James Padilla

This is a blog from my Manager Miriam Gomberg! You can follow her @http://miriamgomberg.wordpress.com

Recently, I had a conversation with my manager Miriam Gomberg. Her Daughter was dating this guy for a while and Miriam asked her are they officially in a relationship? The Daughter replied ” I think so, but I am not sure if we are Facebook status worthy.”

On your Facebook page profile there is a metric for your relationship status that includes several options: married, single, in a relationship, engaged, it’s complicated, open relationship, widowed, divorced, civil union, separated, etc. I never really gave it much thought because I am married and my choice for relationship status was easy. After her comment, I thought about it and decided to research what makes up a Facebook status worthy relationship for others.

My Daughter informed me that before stalking someone on Facebook (yeah, I got the same idea from that one), you check to see if the person of interest is taken, and how serious it is.

Facebook Stalking, like regular stalking, allows the stalker to secretly gather information about the person they are interested in; the stalkee if you will. Unlike regular stalking, Facebook Stalking is less likely to have an illegal component and is generally accepted by it’s voyeuristic victims. The argument being, that if you didn’t want others to know about your life, you wouldn’t post it all over the internet.

Person 1: Do you have a crush on Billy?

Person 2: I’m not sure yet, I need to go home and do some Facebook Stalking first.

Jenny Caruso. December 2008. via http://www.urbandictonary .com

It is interesting how people react to a change in your Facebook relationship status. My Daughter officially changed hers after we spoke yesterday to “being in a relationship.” I looked at her page (does this make me a fb stalker?) and since she changed it,about 19 hours ago, she has had 14 comments and 11 likes about her status change.

I personally understand that there is no such thing as privacy on Facebook or any other platform, which is why I do my best to present myself in a somewhat professional manner and keep private things, private. Because I am a fairly open book, I really don’t feel the need to hide who I am or what I am about.

My personal branding professor,  made it clear that you never post anything to any social media outlet that you don’t want made public.  You never know who may be Facebook stalking you, including your boss, mom, friends, enemies, ex-boyfriends, and so on…Give me your feed back! What do you think about Facebook status? If you come in to view my page can you please leave a comment as I will do the same when I visit your blog!

This is a blog from my Manager Miriam Gomberg! You can follow her @http://miriamgomberg.wordpress.com

Quote for the day:

 Powerful Dreams Inspire Powerful Action. When you can taste, smell, and touch your dreams, you can enroll the world. – Jonathan Lockwood Huie